Monday, April 30, 2007

Bike Ride

This is a few months old, but I don't know if I ever sent these pictures out. So here are some pictures of Gavin's first bike ride.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

At the park

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day that it seemed a shame to not spend it outside. So we took a trip to McKinley Park, which Gavin refers to as "the cool park." Gavin didn't want to slow down long enough for me to get many pictures, but I did manage to snap a few of him chasing the ducks. Yeah, since we didn't bring any old bread to feed the ducks, we had to chase them instead.

Here's a picture of the fountain with the playground behind it.

And here are some pictures of Gavin torturing the ducks.

The roses were in full bloom.

After a couple of hours at the park, we headed up to Roseville to visit a new scrapbook store that recently opened. This is by far the best scrapbook store in town. It's huge, and has some fabulous products that I haven't seen at any other stores. Did I mention it's huge?

And this is just a small portion of the store.

Unfortunately, Gavin doesn't like shopping for scrapbook materials as much as I do, so I didn't get to explore as much as I wanted to. After we left the scrapbook mecca, we stopped for a refreshing Jamba Juice, and found a Jelly Belly store and got a free sample.

Jamba and Jellies

Oh, and did I mention there was a mariachi band at the park? We love free entertainment. Looking forward to more nice weather today. We've already been to another park today, and Gavin's itching to get back outside. Are you done on the computer yet? I guess I can tell him yes pretty soon.

*Update* We spent over six hours at the park today, with three separate visits. First a visit to Marriott park with our new friends Ella and Jake, an afternoon visit with the bike, and an evening picnic. Trying to enjoy the weather before it becomes so horribly hot that we can't bear to be outside.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Last night we joined Jannette and Joe at the Sacramento Turn Verein to partake in their annual Bockbeirfest. Gavin loved watching the traditional bavarian folk dancers. We also enjoyed few pitchers of Doppelbock, a link of Weiss sausage, and music from the Karl Lebherz Band. It was a really fun event, and we're now looking forward to Oktoberfest!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blog is such an ugly word


I really have to try hard to think of a word that sounds uglier than blog.

Maybe that's why I've resisted jumping onto this little bandwagon that is blogging. So why then did I start a blog of my own? I'm really not sure, but I think it'll be a good way for me to keep track of what I've done and where I've been. It probably would be easier to just start keeping a diary, but I'd probably lose it among the piles of crap I tend to accumulate. It's a little harder to lose things when they're posted on the internet. The blog will be a place for me to post the plethora of random musings, favorite photos, and whatever else I can conjure up to bore the poor misguided souls that read this.

Well let's see if I can successfully post this.