Saturday, August 18, 2007

I guess this makes me a soccer mom....

So Gavin started soccer this week. He's been looking forward to it for months, as have I. I'm hoping this will let him to expend some of his energy in a productive way. The first practice on Tuesday was really more like playtime with soccer balls than an actual soccer practice, but improvement was evident at Thursday's practice. The Gavinator is a pretty aggressive player...we'll have to try to teach him to hold back a bit. But overall, I think this will be a good thing.

On a related note, Wally has infected the household with a bit of Beckham fever. We just finished watching the LA/NY game, which unfortunately was won by NY. As of a few years ago, I never would have guessed that the first professional athlete that Gavin would recognize would be a soccer player. But, it is what it is. He's turning into a little soccer maniac.

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